Early Life
Ray was born in Joshua, Texas
to a housewife later to become
a secondary education school
teacher mother, Linnie Brackeen
and science, math, and high
school coach father, James Harry
Ray. From 1942 to 1946, his father
was a Chemistry and Science
Professor and an assistant coach
In 1947, his family moved and his father became the Head of the Chemistry department at Magnolia A & M, Arkansas's Agricultural and Mechanical college, now (Southern State University).
As a young boy, from the second grade to his sophomore year, his playground, work place and entertainment was the college campus and the small town of Magnolia, Ark.
At about 10 years old, his dad told him if you want more spending money, "Son, get a job." He and some of his friends, about his same age, the son of the College President, and the son of a College chemistry professor, would collect empty soft drink bottles and coat hangers from the dorm rooms to sell them back to the cold drink bottler and to the cleaners for two cents and one cent, respectively.
Tom would sell peanuts at the college ball games and mow lawns for the faculty that lived around the college. One day he said to his father, in a stern voice, which he said he had never done before or after.
1 Early life
2.1 1957-58 New Mexico State University
2.2 1958-59 Sul Ross State University
2.3 1959 Summer term, University of AR
2.4 1959-60 Anderson University, Indiana
2.5 1960-61 Sul Ross State University, BBA, Alpine, Texas
2.6 1962-65 St. Mary's University
San Antonio, Texas
3 Military
10 References
11 External links
Tommy Dan Ray (born March 6, 1939) is the Founder and Director of the Mind-Body Connection Research and Education Foundation,[1] a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.[5] Tom Ray is a Texas born businessman, Mind Scientist[2], author, speaker, inventor, treasure hunter[3], game designer, want-to be Archaeologist,[4] and a person that has had approximately 53 jobs and/or occupations in his lifetime. He is semi-retired from his many small businesses so that he can spend the majority of his time with his Foundation.[1]
Born March 6, 1939, age (76)
Joshua, Texas U.S.
Residence North West of San Antonio, Texas
Nationality U. S.
Education New Mexico State University,
Anderson University, IN. 1959-60
University of Arkansas, summer, '58 Alma mater Sul RossState1958-1959,
1960-1961, BBA
St.Mary's University, San Antonio,
TX, Graduate school 1962-64
Occupation Mind Scientist, author, Speaker,
Musician, Inventor, Artist, Counselor, Teacher, Photographer, Mechanic,
Entrepreneur, Game Designer,
Craftsman, Model Maker,
Coach for amateur, professional and
Olympic athletes, Treasure Hunter
and want-to-be Archaeologist.
Known for Discovery of the Puzzle Factory
Syndrome, the true connection
between the mind and the body.
Authentication of a rare, lost
and unknown 1633 Dutch Old
Master, Frans Hals (1584-1666)
oil painting. Frans Hals is a
contemporary of Rembrandt.
Advising the U.S. State Department
on foreign affairs, political figures,
law enforcement, helping solve a
high profile Judge assasination case.
Title Founder of The Mind-Body
Connection Research and
Education Foundation
Spouse(s) Marna Lee Emley, M. 1959,
div. 1973
Judith E. Buesking, M. 1976 to
Children ( 3 ) First marriage, two boys, one girl,
Second son deceased .
Military United States Air Force, Officer
Training School, Lackland AFB,
Texas, commissioned 2/Lt.
Lackland AFB, Texas,
Basic Training Officer,
Legal claims investigator,
Assistant Chief Administrative
Services Officer
Tom Ray
(circa 1983)
"I have mowed five lawns today. I am going to town to the movies!" His dad said, "ok!"
Later on, to pay for a used Cushman motor scooter, he had different paper routes, the "Daily Banner News", the "Arkansas Democrat", and at night he would work at the drive-in movie theater, three miles away in Magnolia. At the drive-in, he devised a marketing plan and presented it to the owner, W. P. Florence, to sell more popcorn. He suggested that they put a popcorn machine out in front of the drive-in at the ticket booth. Usually, there would only be two people in the car. It cost forty-five cents per person to get into the movie. Their change, out of a dollar, would be a dime. Popcorn was a dime a box. Instead of giving them their change, Tom suggested that they just take a box of popcorn. He was told later that he sold five times more popcorn than the movie concessions inside. Plus, he said,
" When they eat the popcorn, then they will want something to drink."
To put extra money in his pocket, he took an extra job sweeping and cleaning Talbot's Department Store before school. That job took about one hour and he was paid one dollar per day, six days a week.
Tom spoke of purchasing a new Omega watch for $150 with his own money during his sophomore year in high school, 1954-55. That would be like a high school kid today going to the jewelry store and purchasing a $2,000 watch just because he could afford it.
His junior year, the family moved to Odessa, Texas for his Dad to be head of the Chemistry Department at Odessa Junior College. His senior year they moved on to Alpine, Texas where his Dad became head of the Chemistry Department at Sul Ross State University. Regardless of the town he live in or the time in his growing up years, he had a job or several jobs.
New Mexico State at Las Cruces
1957-1958 Ray's college freshman year was spent at
New Mexico A&M, now New Mexico State at Las Cruces.
His brother was a student at New Mexico A&M. There
was a college in Alpine where he graduated high school
and where his Dad was a professor. He indicated that,
like most kids, he wanted to get out of the house and
somewhat be on his own like his big brother. He
received a band scholarship from New Mexico A&M
and worked at various jobs on campus for extra money.
He would make the rounds to the junk stores for old
electrical appliances, rebuild them and re-sell them.
He states that his studies did not seem that important
to him. He was known to have the nicest, most
modern, dorm room on campus. He said that if he
had a nice fancy place to live, he might get interested
in studying.
Even though his parents were teachers he remembers
that grades were very seldom talked about. Plus, he
thought that he was an extremely poor reader. He
said he did not read a book from cover to cover until
he finished 39 hours of graduate school.
Besides being in the band his freshman year in college,
Ray was a member of the Air Force ROTC Drill Team.
After his poor performance in grades his freshman year,
his Dad said,
"If you are not going to study, and make
your grades, you might as well live at home and
go up to the college with me."
His sophomore year, he studied photography, business and chemistry. Tom said,
"I took two chemistry classes from Dad and he flunked me on both."
Dad said, "Son, try something else".
University of Arkansas, in Fayetteville
Summer of 1958: During the summers, Ray's Dad attended different
colleges to study towards his Master's Degree in Chemistry. Tom traveled
with the family. In the summer of 1958, Tom took a class in public speaking
at the University of Arkansas, in Fayetteville. He says today,
"Give me a hundred-thousand people in a stadium and at the end of
the my speech, I will have them on their feet screaming for more."
Big Bend National Park
1959 The summer of 1959, Tom worked waiting tables at the Big Bend National Park restaurant in what was called The Basin. The park concession company primarily hired young college kids for the rush months of summer. That is where he meet his first wife, Marna Emley. She is from Indiana and was to be a senior at Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana. After the summer courtship, Tom followed her to Indiana and in May of 1960, she graduated and they were married in August.
Anderson University in Indiana
1959-60 During Tom's junior year in Indiana, he worked as the drummer in dance bands, a board marker at Thomson McKinnon Securities, and had an after school job as the wood shop instructor at the local boys club. At the end of his junior year, during the summer before he married, he worked much like a migrant farm field hand picking tomatoes. He took the job because he made friends with a migrant farm worker with six kids. He wanted to help out. He soon found work on the automobile assembly line at Fisher Body in Marion, Indiana. He said,
"I like to help people but I had to make enough money before the summer
ended so I could get married and get back to Texas and finish my degree."
Sul Ross State University, Alpine Texas, 1960-61
His senior year at Sul Ross, now married, Tom purchased, from an elderly gentleman, a vintage Graflex Speed Graphic 4 x 5 press camera, a complete set of darkroom equipment and supplies, all for seventy-five dollars. He started supplementing his income by taking, developing and selling photographs. His darkroom was in his 36 x 48 inch hot water heater closet in his college married-housing apartment. He said,
"To develop the pictures in my mini-darkroom, I had only about one and one-half
square feet of standing floor space. I stood in one spot, exposed the photographic
paper with the enlarger, pivoted 90 degrees while standing in the same spot,
put the exposed photographic paper in the chemical developer, pivoted around
another 90 degrees while standing in the same spot, put the developed picture
in the stop-bath developing chemical, pivoted around another 90 degrees in the same
spot and put the picture in the fixer-chemical. After the picture stabilized, fixed for a
period of time, I would wash the photos in the bathtub. After they were washed,
I put them on a heated ferrotype plate print dryer which causes the picture to have
that glossy look. Bingo, a professional photograph. I was getting so much business,
I recall one day, the local professional photographer in town asked me what I was up to."
Tom's new wife, now a college graduate, worked at the Texas State Highway Department for fifty cents an hour. When Tom needed a haircut, he would go up to the college where a student barber would give haircuts in his dorm room for seventy-five cents. Tom made a deal to exchange one fresh hot home-made apple pie made by his wife for a hair cut. The cost of the pie ingredients worked out to be about thirty five cents. Tom said,
"After that first pie exchange haircut, I walked out the door, I heard the door close behind
me and the door lock click. Later, the student barber told me that he and his roommate
ate that whole pie in one sitting."
In addition to that, Tom continued to play in different dance bands, and worked at the local drug store for seventy-five cents an hour. He graduated with a General Business degree and his first job was working for Halliburton in the oil patch in West Texas, driving an 18 wheeler cement pump truck. His aunt from Midland, Texas had some oil people connections and she got him that job. He said,
"I have a college degree. Now I am qualified to drive a truck for a living."
1962 The oil field job of driving a cement pump truck, in the sand hills of West Texas, was not his cup of tea. So he quit his job and went down to the local employment office and sat on the bench for day labor. His first job was back to the oil fields cleaning oil well drilling pipe threads with sand and a steel brush. He said,
"Thank God I have a college education!"
Turk Distributing
From there, Ray went to work for Turk Distributing, a liquor wholesaler in Odessa, Texas. The job was to go into the liquor store and take down the old displays and put up the new ones. The displays were provided by the advertising departments of the different liquor companies. Tom said,
"I told them I had a college business degree with a minor in art and I had worked
as a woodshop instructor. They gave me a old cargo van and a ton of advertising
displays and off I went."
Officer Training School, United States Air Force
1962-65 Officer Training School (OTS), United States Air Force, Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. Commissioned, 2nd Lt. While waiting to go to OTS, Tom worked in the accounting department at Sweeny Food Wholesale in San Antonio. After he received his commission, Tom volunteered to stay at Lackland and was assigned as a Basic Training Officer. From there, he became an Administrative Services Officer and then a Third-party Claims Officer for the Judge Advocate's office. He progressed up to being assigned as the Assistant Chief Administrative Services Officer, Headquarters, Lackland AFB. When the Chief Administrative Services Officer was not there, which he says was most of the time, it was his job to represent Administrative Services at the Base General's staff meeting along with Majors, Lieutenant Colonels, and Bird Colonels. Tom said,
"Along with all that brass, I was asked to give my opinion and I spoke up when
I thought it was necessary. I was in my element. I was where I was supposed to be."
While at Lackland AFB, he went to St. Mary's University at night to work toward a Master's degree in Business Management and Marketing. There Tom accumulated 39 graduate hours toward a Master's.
IPCO Hospital Supply, Piscataway, New Jersey
1965-1973 After Tom left the Air Force, he became a medical supply salesman with South Central Texas as his territory. Tom said,
" It paid the bills for eight years and it taught me nothing about selling and a lot
about how not to live. I did have the highest profit rating of any of the guys. Other
than that, being a salesman on the road, for a company that knew nothing about
teaching its salesman how to sell, is no way to work, live and raise a family. "
After providing suggestions about a company product catalog that produced more sales than any other issue, IPCO's top management offered Ray $17,000 a year to be the head of the Marketing Department. The job required relocating from Texas to New Jersey. He said he would go for $20,000. They said, "No". Later they asked Tom to leave the company. Tom said to himself,
"They actually want me to have more sales and be less interested in my big profit margins.
Thank God I am leaving this company and this lifestyle."
1973 Diversified Electronics. Marketing Manager, alarm systems. Tom said,
"This job was a lost cause. The company did not need a Marketing
Department. There were only four people in the whole place. I talked my
way in. I talked the owner into letting me make a TV commercial. I knew
nothing about how to make a TV commercial. The commercial was a bomb.
I left under a cloud of my own making."
1974 MARC, Mid American Research Chemical Company, Columbus, Nebraska.
Tom became an educated, graduate level, ex-Air Force Officer, Business
Administration trained individual that sold janitorial supplies and cleaned
toilets to demonstrate his products. He said,
"It is amazing what a guy will do to pay the bills. By the way, MARC taught me
more about selling than most any company that I have ever been associated
with. I am thankful for the experience. I could start my work week on Thursday
afternoon and work through to noon on Friday and sell as much as the other
guys that worked all week long. If my car had not blown an engine at about 10:30
in the morning on my first day with the company, I would have set an all time
company sales record for a new salesman on his first day. Another traveling
sales job. Not good. Ray became divorced in 1973.
1975 Divorced in 1973, single, living alone in a used house trailer, Tom purchased a
nightclub with a friend. He designed the uniforms to resemble the Playboy Bunny
uniform. Tom said,
I was divorced and had visions of grandeur.
I was going to be the next Hugh Hefner.
We were off and running. My partner ran
the business and I became an absentee
owner, still selling janitorial supplies to help
pay the bills My partner and I did not agree
on how to run the business. After 90 days,
we agreed that I just walk away from the
business. I took a loss of ten grand. In those
days, to me, that was a lot of money. Buying
and running a nightclub! What was I thinking?
I had never been in a nightclub. I did not drink
and never frequented a commercial pool hall.
I guess my friend was a better salesman than I.
I put up ten grand, he put up nothing. He said,
"Well, we are partners, aren't we?"
The story of those 90 days and everything that
happened would make a great book. It was a wild
and woolly 90 day ride.
1976 Tom married Judy Martin. She was
divorced and had three kids. One
of her sons was good friends with
one of his. He called her one night
and it happened to be her birthday.
He said,
"I told her we could go to a
movie an later go have a cup of
coffee. We were married in thirty
days. Now it has been about 39
years and it gets better every year."
Again, it is the Tom and Judy show.
"Together 39 years, I ask her if she would
go for 40. She said she would let me know!
She did like the Church I picked to re-new
our vows. Believe-It-or-Not, we are standing
on the dry Texas Medina Lake bottom.
1977 Blue Sun Pools.
Tom started an above the ground swimming
pool business. He went broke in the pool business.
Tom said.
"It was not a pretty picture.
That is all I am going to say.
Well, there is another book."
1977 Al Rohde Real-estate Co.
Realizing they, Tom and Judy, needed a little more stability, Tom decided
to sell commercial real-estate. He lasted about 30 days. Tom thought he
was going to sell a twenty million dollar deal, but the guy passed. The
prospective buyer wanted to buy a hotel for his son.
Tom said,
"It was a strange story.
It seems that my life is
a strange story. I love it!"
1977 Professional Hypnosis Service. Tom said,
"Hey, if it is legal, and makes money and helps people,
why not? I have done everthing else. Wait, I have not
worked in a popsickle factory."
An old Medical Supply salesman buddy, Joe Ray Hogan, had turned
Professional Hypnotist. One day, he gave Tom a call and said that he
was making money hand over fist Hypnotizing people. He invited
Ray to come to Houston and see for himself. Ray said,
"When I went to see Joe, he asked me to sit in
on his sessions to see what was going on. I had
long hair, mustache, a beard and wore a pin-striped
suit. I really looked the part. I told Joe to introduce
me to his clients as the famous Hypnotist from San
Antonio. He did, and when I got back home, I told
my wife that we were going to go into the Hypnosis
business. She said, "ok." I love that girl."
After a couple of days visiting with Joe at his office in
Houston, in two weeks, I opened an office right in the middle
of the South Texas Medical Center in San Antonio Texas.
Shortly after I opened my office, I called the newspaper
and told them I was the new Professional Hypnotist in town.
The paper gave me Sunday edition, front page coverage.
We were off and running, making like Joe said,
"Money hand over fist."
"I have arrived. As long
as I can talk and continue
to help people, I can feed
my family and pay my bills."
Ray began making speeches, getting a lot of media exposure,
affecting national and international situations, political situations,
writing, publishing, advising all comers, helping people and saving
lives Approximately ten to twelve years later, he was broke as a
church mouse and closed his office. All, having lived a life that
even Hollywood could not have made up. He even conducted
one Exorcism. Tom said,
"I had to help her. She thought she was
possessed by the Devil and she would
have died. She called and told me of her
situation and asked if we did Exorcisms.
I told her we were a full service organization.
I saved her life!
People would ask me to take them back
to what they thought was their previous life.
If they thought they were a frog, so be it.
I took them back. Hey, I have to have some
laughs. Over those ten years or so, I got
some strange request. Some were too
far out. For those, I said I think I will pass."
During his ten years at the Medical Center, Tom says,
" I have made the most important human health, happiness and success discovery ever
for mankind and I wrote a book about it, The Puzzle Factory Syndrome. At the time, I
really did not understand the total importance of my discovery. I was still young."
He closed his office and concluded it was time to move on and do something different. He did
not publish The Puzzle Factory Syndrome until thirteen years later. Twenty two years later, at
seventy-three years old, he starts his Mind-Body Connection Research and Education non-profit
Foundation. With the new millennium in 2000 and the loss of a 38 year old son to a car accident,
Tom said,
"It is now time to really go to work. If I die without letting the world know about
my findings and discoveries in the 1980s, they may be lost forever and this
valuable information might never be brought to light and understood again. If
this happens, the entire human race will lose."
1990 Treasure Motors, a Texas bonded used camper and motor home dealership. Treasure Motors was
a one man show in Tom's backyard in the country Northwest of San Antonio. The business paid the bills
and allowed Tom the freedom to do pretty much what he wanted to do.
To conduct the business, he had to find the used campers, buy them, get them home, rebuild them,
advertise them, re-sell them, and oftentimes, deliver them. His best sales record was five units in
one day and 18 in one month. Tom said,
"It would have killed any normal man and it almost killed me. I realized I was not Superman."
1995-2003 GloTag® is a lighted name tag designed and invented by Tom, his second son Eric Ray (deceased, 2003) and Eric's friend, Steve Roberts. They had the product produced in China. When Eric got killed in an automobile accident, and all stock was depleted, Tom closed the business. The product was featured in Time Magazine and was becoming quite successful. Tom said,
"My son Eric is gone.
I have no interest.
That game is over."
2004 The search for Little Anna, a 1633 Old Master
Frans Halsoil painting. Some scholars are calling the
painting, The Dutch Mona Lisa. Frans Hals was a
contemporary of Rembrandt. Hiswork commands as
much as Rembrandt's. Tom and his wife wereask to
lead the authentication project and to find out just who
was the young lady in the old Dutch painting. In a
round-about way, Tom discovered that he had a
connection to the young lady in the painting. It took
approximately three years to authenticate the painting
and Tom wrote his second book about their findings.
Anna's Song, The Young Girl Thought To Be A
Queen Cries From The Grave.
The security guard chose to remain anonymous.
He works a lot of high profile jobs. This picture
was taken in a side room of a super large safe
deposit box room in a large bank.This picture
was taken at an invitation only viewing. 2012 The Mind-Body Connection Research and Education Foundation
is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Realizing that he is getting older
and people are not reading his book about his findings and discoveries
from his work at his private office in the Medical Center in the 1980s,
Ray, created his foundation to teach the people of the world about the
true connection between the mind and the body. Ray says,
"To accomplish this mission there has
to be a re-education of the Medical
Community, the media, the total
educational system, the military, private
industry. There also needs to be
information designed so that it can easily
be taught in the home. I created this
non-profit foundation to support my
mission. This must be the mission
of all man-kind."
Ray's plan is to one day see The Mind-Body Connection
University teach the information about his discoveries,
continue his work and expand on the research he has
already done. Presently, he has made available, free
on the web, his book, The Puzzle Factory Syndrome.
The book gives a simple understanding of his discoveries.
His information will be created in a format that will be
acceptable to all, the medical schools, the military, industry,
all levels of education, the media and most of all designed
and formatted for home use. He says,
"We need a better way to get my findings out to the public than just having a
book on the shelves collecting dust. Every man, woman, and child needs to
be taught and to understand and use the truth about how the mind works
with the body. I discovered the other half of the human health, happiness
and success code. Everyone must play a part. We are all in this together."
1976 Tom married Judy Martin after a 30 day whirlwind courtship.
Tom said,
"Thirty-nine years later, she is still as wonderful and beautiful
as the day I met her. When we married I did not have much
of a job. I really I did not want a job. I was not looking for
a job. I would not have taken a real job if it had been offered.
So one day I asked her to quit her teaching job. I said, take out
your teacher retirement. We will live on that for a while. We
can become Gypsies. We will buy junk and sell antiques or
we will buy antiques and sell junk. We will be the King and
Queen of the flea market trade. It was a blast.
When we were in the Hypnosis business I had two different
radio talk shows. One was KONO and I do not recall the other.
They were short lived. There is another book. Judy would
sit in the studio as I took calls and answered questions. I told
her one day that I wanted her to speak up and say something.
I told her we could call it the Tom and Judy Show. That is
where that phrase came from. She said, "no." I tricked her
one day and it seems after that, I could not get her to shut up.
No! Just kidding. Again, we had a blast."
1965 Treasure Found. On their first weekend treasure hunt to the
Gulf Coast, Captain Charles Snyder, Sergeant Tapson, and Lt. Ray,
used a two dollar treasure map of Padre Island, Texas to find the
treasure. The map was purchased from an ad in a magazine. Their
first time out, they found approximately 30 silver Spanish Reales.
The treasure came from silver laden ships wrecked off the coast
of Padre Island in April of 1554. The ships were on their way back
to Spain from the New World. That weekend led to many more visits
to the island and the finding of over 150 Spanish reales. (some spell
it reals) One coin was the rarest of them all. It was a three reale. At
the time, it was worth $15,000. As novice treasure hunters, they did
not realize what they had. They sold it for $30 to Norman Brock, a
book and coin dealer in San Antonio. Ray said,
"We sold our treasure to Norman, thinking that we
could always go to Padre Island and pick up more.
After all those years, I think I have one left around
here somewhere."
Tom found National Treasure at a garage sale. Because Tom likes to collect paper and old documents,
for $1, he purchased a sack of trash from a garage sale near Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas.
The sack of trash contained a lot of old orders, envelopes and three hand-drawn maps drawn on rice paper.
The maps' legend indicated that the maps were produced in an American Prisoner of War camp in Manchuria.
Those three maps showed the burial locations, names, rank, unit numbers of many of our WW II fallen GIs
from the Bataan Death March, Corregidor and Ft. Hughes. Copies of the maps were provided to the United
States Military Graves and Registration service in Hawaii.
Tom's days of being a gypsy, buying and selling junk, produced a rare find for the heavy cost of one quarter.
While rummaging around in a rundown junk store laundromat, on Zarzamora street in San Antonio, Tom's love
for old books paid off. Inside a book, glued to the front cover, about President Woodrow Wilson, were four
letters. One letter typed, hand corrected and signed by President Wilson, one letter typed, hand corrected
and signed by William Jennings Bryan, the monkey trial lawyer, one letter signed by the author of the book
and one letter signed by the man that nominated President Wilson. The book was very rough and was not a
first edition. Tom had not noticed the letters on the day he purchased the book. That came later by accident.
Tom says,
"Junk stores and the trash at estate sales are where the real treasures can be found. I
found in the trash of the estate sale of Jimmy Dodd, deceased, a onetime official
photographer for the King Ranch in South Texas, his gold wedding band with his
initials engraved inside. I wear it now as my own. Jimmy Dodd's collection of 8 x10
glossy prints sold for $2,000. I purchased the negatives in a non-descript box for $50.
I won!"
San Antonio, Texas and treasure hunter Tom Ray welcomes I Moss Hart, one of Broadway's most famous
and successful playwrights, director and Broadway creator. While looking for a special size frame for a
painting by a friend, in a Goodwill store in San Antonio, Tom looked down at an unusual, colorful painting
and saw the monogram, I. Moss Hart. He asked his wife to look up the name on her mobile phone. Google
produced the second lead to a rare treasure that the art world did not know existed. The art work is thought
to be one of only two paintings produced by Moss Hart. Tom, just by the design of the Master Painter Gods,
has both of Harts only known paintings. Hart was not known by his children to have actually painted on canvas. Research proved that they were too young when he passed. His wife Kitty Carlisle knew, but was not known
to ever have spoken publicly of his paintings.
Fairview Farm
Before 1946
24 in. x 36 in. oil on canvas
I. Moss Hart (1904-1961)
I. Moss Hart
Chruch in Mexico
Before 1961
14 in. x 18 in. oil on canvas
I. Moss Hart
Famous as a Broadway playwright and director,
Hart's hits include You Can't Take It With You
and The Man Who Came to Dinner, and he
directed Camelot. The list goes on. Some of
his collaborators and friends include Cole Porter,
Irving Berlin, George Kaufman, and Ira Gershwin.
His 1959 autobiography, Act One, painted him to
be in awe of the theater and in love with his life in
New York.
Secure in a safe-deposit box in a small town in Texas rests a
lost and unknown Old Master oil painting by one of the world's
all time great artists, Frans Hals,1584-1666. The name given
the painting by the researchers is Little Anna, 1633,[6] and
some scholars are calling the painting, The Dutch Mona Lisa Tom does not own the painting. His GloTag®Press
research team was asked to authenticated this lost and unknown painting.Tom wrote this book about the findings.
1950 Magnolia, Arkansas, Elementary playground, Tom was about eleven years old, he won first place, Duncan Yo-Yo contest. conducted by the factory representative of the Duncan Toys Company. The Place prize, a small metal pin, a pair of gold wings with the Duncan Yo-Yo insignia in the center. Tom said,
"Sixty-six years later, thanks to mother,
I still have those wings. I found them
when mother passed. I was surprised
and I understood. She kept them all
those years. The wings were in with her
neat stuff."
1962 United States Air Force
Photography Contest, Air Training Command
and Air Force World Wide Photo Contests.
"First Place, Sports & Action", title, "Timing"
by 2/ Lt. Tommy D. Ray. Cash prize,
$35 and $75 respectively.
1963 The American Red Cross, Bexar County Chapter,
George H. Spencer, President:
" On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Bexar
County Chapter of American Red Cross I wish to
express appreciation for taking and processing
photographs of the Red Cross Battle of Flowers
1963 The American Red Cross, Field Director, R. H. Kidwell:
" I would like to add a letter of appreciation to our letter
of 24 June 63 to be entered in Lt. Ray's personnel file
for outstanding service to the Public Information Program
this year 1963. In addition to his photography, he has
designed and completed a poster honoring the founder
of Red Cross. This Poster has attracted much favorable
comment. Security Services, Lackland Base Exchange
and the Main Library at Lackland all want to put it on
display. We plan to send photographs of the Display to
Geneva Red Cross Headquarters. to Area American
Red Cross Headquarters in St. Louis and to National
American Red Cross Headquarters in Washington."
1964 United States Air Force, Captain of the Headquarters Squadron Pistol Team.
Ray saw the need and wrote regulations that were accepted by Air Force that
established that Airman Basic Training squadrons create guide on emblems.
Before, when a flight of basics marched by, the flight carried nothing that indicated
who they were and where the flight was from.
United States Treasury Department, John A. Hilger, Brigadier General, USAF,
Chief of Staff:
CITATION; For Patriotic Volunteer Service in Support of the United
States Saving Bond Program, for the highest ever Payroll Savings Bonds
participation on Lackland AFB, Texas.
William A York, Lackland AFB Fire Chief:
CITATION; It is with great appreciation that I extend my thanks for a difficult job
exceptionally well done. Lt. Ray has been extremely helpful in assuring a
successful Fire Prevention Program at LAFB which is so essential on a base
with flammable buildings such as Lackland.
Base General, H. K. Mooney, Lackland AFB, Texas:
Letter of appreciation for saving the life of a two year old child from choking to death.
1965 The Light News Paper, San Antonio, Texas, Newspaper National Snapshot Awards:
This Certificate Proclaims that a "Photograph, by 1st Lt. Tommy D. Ray, Merits
Distinguished Recognition for Photographic Achievement.
1969 Medical Supply Salesman Magazine, "Article of the Year" written by Tom Ray about how
to, with very little money, $20, build a professional convention products display with ordinary
home tools and simple to understand and economically purchased supplies from the
hardware store.
Cosmopolitan Club, Nov. 1978, Highland Park Lions Club,
Dec. 1978, San Antonio Jaycees, Feb. 1979, NCO Wives
Club, Lackland AFB, 1979, AARP, Chapter 2026,
Association of Independent Electrical Contractors,
Apr. 1979, Kiwanis Club of San Antonio, Apr. 1979,
Manuscript Club, May 1979, San Antonio Kiwanis
Club, June 1979.
WOAI, San Antonio, Dec. 19, 1977, WOAI, San Antonio,
Dec. 26, 1977, WOAI, San Antonio, Aug. 1978, KMAC,
San Antonio, Aug. 1978, KKYX, San Antonio, July 1978,
KSYM, San Antonio, April, 1979, KERV, Kerrville, Tx. April,
1979, KRLD, Dallas, Tx. Oct.1979, WSAR, Somerset,
Mass., Oct. 1979, WEEI, Boston, Mass., Oct.
1979, KKYX, San Antonio, Tx. Nov. 1979, KAPE, San
Antonio, Tx. Dec.1979
KENS News, Nov. 1977, KSAT News, Aug. 1978, KSAT
News, May 1979, KERV Talk Show, April 1979, KMOL Talk
Show, April 1979, KMOL News, Aug. 1979, KSAT News,
Oct.1979, KSAT News, Jan. 2009
USAF Tailspinner, Aug. 1964, San Antonio Light, May, 1965,
San Antonio Express –News, Nov.1977, Southwest Airlines
Magazine, Oct. 1978, Action Magazine, Aug. 1979, San
Antonio Light, Oct. 1979, San Antonio Magazine, July 1980.
U.S. State Department on foreign affairs, suggestion for ABC News to
create the name change to become Ted Koppel's "Night Line". United
States Navy Seals in training, American Red Cross Anniversary display
to honor it's founder, advised Mexico City Industrialists, San Antonio
Spurs, various Professional and Olympic Athletes, Law Enforcement
Agencies, city, county, state and national.
7.1a The Puzzle Factor Syndrome GloTag Press, 2003
7.1b Anna's Song, The Young Girl Thought To Be A Queen Cries From The Grave
Glotag Press 2007
ARTICLES by Tom Ray, www.mbc-ref.org
7.2a Bipolar Disorder and the Ninth Law of the Subconscious
7.2b I fooled the mind with a #2 yellow pencil
7.2c Alternative Medicine or just Smart Thinking
7.2d Self-Help the easy way
7.2e Education Ten Words to Change a Nation
7.2f Allergies
7.2g Information Poisoning, untrue information is not good
7.2h The Subconscious Mind is illogical and it never sleeps
7.2i The Command must be absolute
7.2j Use your head
Strap assembly for securing a patient's arm to an arm board.
Patent No. 3,640,273, February 8, 1972
Portable Shower, Patent No. 5,790,992, March 29, 1996
Illuminated badge, (GloTag®) Patent No. 5,755,506 May 26, 1998
GloTag® Illuminated badge, 77848517, January 21, 2010
Kings-N-Castles®, Board Game, 85327456 January 3, 2012
[1] http://www/mpm[rpfotfacts/cp,/TX/Mind-Body-Connection-Research-And-Education-Foundation.html
[2] http;//www.psychologicalscience.org/index.php/members/psychological-scientists
[3] Ray,Tom (2007). "Chapter 17: Spanish Treasure." Anna's Song. GloTag Press. pp 102-103.
ISBN 978-1-932357-11-0.
[4] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/archaeologist
[5] http://www.legalzoom.com/sem/business/nonprofit/nonprofit-a1.html
[6] http://www.thepuzzlefactorysyndrome.com/TV_video.html
Ask not what the world can do for you. Ask what you can do for yourself.....Tom Ray